Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Learning to ride a bike

I have a dear friend in Holland, when she moved into a brand new development on the outskirts of her home town and the town where my Mum still lives, I couldn't see the appeal. I didn't have or want kids though. She went on to have three before I was anywhere near ready for marriage. This video is on this very street a few years ago, the little girls have grown up now. The great thing about this video that is essentially to record a four year old's first bike ride without stabilisers. I love the fact that this is how kids roll in the Netherlands, how they can ride up and down their street and the cars are parked away - no on street parking. This was designed in the early 90's and it's still being used and developed over there to this day, while in the UK we still make developments that allow cars to be abandoned on the streets on roads that are essentially trunk roads carrying large HGV's who use these streets every day to do business. Not a place where kids can roam like the kids in this video.

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