Saturday, 20 October 2012

Cycling on a roller coaster

I joined the Cycle Campaign the beginning of this year when it came into existence and have taken advantage of being able to express how important these tarmac roads that get me from AtoB are where I live. It's enabled me to dream about a place where my kids can ride safely. All there is right now is what there is, which of course is fast, lorry congested, unfriendly roads with the odd cut through and shared cycle path with a vision that seems a long way away. I do believe it's possible though.
Leon was blown off his bike a few weeks ago on the pavement by a lorry whizzing past - the wind knocked him clean off! Then last week Reuben was blown off his scooter in much the same way. It's witnessing this that has driven me to become the 20's Plenty representative for Ely and I've started the process of bringing down the speed limit in the whole of Ely from 30mph to 20mph. I want to ensure that our roads are perceivably safer to cycle on and getting around with kids should be a bit less stressful on foot or by bike. I've written to the councillors in the District Council and had a few positive replies, certainly no negative ones.
Then middle of the week, I get a call from the City of Ely Council, I've been accepted as a Councillor for Ely North Ward so I'm on the council!!! I applied but with the expectation that they already had another person lined up and I'd probably have to apply a few times before I succeeded. It's great news. I wonder a bit whether they want me there to show me how hard it is to get stuff done. I have ambitious plans, as do many but when it comes down to it, there are endless hoops to jump through. I've got to learn how to navigate the British democratic system, get knocked back, tripped up and diverted alot before I get what I want done.
I hope to represent the people I know and talk to and push cycling and walking up the priorities list both in the existing city and in the new developments that are happening in the future. Getting cycling infrastructure in at the planning stage is practically free so I think this is one of the most efficient ways to make a difference.
I've had alot of encouragement and congratulations from friends near and far. I hope that the 20mph limit and a safer city is within our grasp, I think there hasn't been a better time to be bringing this forward.

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