I've been finding it hard to find a balance between reading every article and piece on transport and roads that relates to cycling and wanting to blow up parlament and then the local council. There's only so much information and evidence that has been ignored while I wonder why I can't cycle on a 60mph road without at best drivers calling me a liability and at worst ending up an organ donor.
It angers me that the roads aren't safe to cycle on and there's no alternative; I don't want to cause a collision while a driver overtakes me on a blind bend at 60mph or end up dead but I want to choose the transportation I deem most appropriate.
The British Medical Association told the government they ought to make the roads suitable for use for bikes as well as motorised transport as this would be beneficial on so many levels and they choose to ignore it, followed by a constant growth in car use and deaths.
My priority is to my kids and my family, part of that is bringing them up to cycle safely where ever they want to. In order to do that I have to do what I can to improve things in Ely. I also have to be here at home and not huffing around being angry which is what some of the stuff I read does to me. I won't stop reading it but having spent the last 5 years buried in nappies, toy sheep and wooden railway, emerging and remembering the real world is a mess is at times, hard to handle.
A sense of humour, proportion and still urgency in measures I'm still trying to work out.
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